Tāura: Internship Programme
Tāura: "A second order of learning, being initiated into a special knowledge or interest. Our internship is about formation via leadership development, that focuses on; Christ centred discipleship, whanau and mission."

Our heart was to design an internship that focus’ on community discipleship and formation through leadership development, going with the mantra that “it takes a village” to disciple an intern. This approach is more organic and still has room for development, but we decided to accept the challenge.

In the first year we will assist each intern with a termly plan that covers their two days of internship (Tuesday and Wednesday). This would also include the following:
- Personal mentor – Weekly
- An area of passion to serve within ministry (Child & Youth, Video/Sound, Young Adults, Worship team, Creative team etc.)
- Participate and input into weekly staff meetings, trainings, and retreats,
- Emmaus Theological training
- Intern Retreat; with input sessions from various speakers.
- Leadership development: Input from various leaders throughout the community and diocese.
- Personal development sessions: Myers Briggs, Strength finders, Enneagram, Covey etc.
- Each intern is immersed into community living with a church family where they participate in the family’s daily rhythms of prayer and life together.
- Assistance in finding part time job if needed.
- Opportunity to share their story within their ministry contexts.

We run in conjunction with the school terms.